Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to Ussssssss..... LOL
Welcome everyone to Color Line Designs First Birthday Celebrations. To kick start the week long party we CLD Designers are haveing a Blog Party and YOU are invited.
We got together and created a fantastic MEGA KIT Birthday gift and we're GIVING it to YOU, our faithful Blog readers.
All you have to do to grab each delicious portion is click on the link. How easy is that.
Here's my portion of our Birthday Celebration Gift. You can grab it here or click on the preview. Enjoy
Password is party

(Just a little note on the Download issue - For those of you who have had a problem reaching the download-
In order for me to have just one link on the blog, I collated the file but you have to put in the password for each download. Now, the way it seems to work is click on link, password prompt will appear. type in the password. This will take you to the file. Click on the zip you want to download. This will take you to the download area. Click on download. This will cause a password prompt again which is where most of you are getting stuck. Type in the password and click ok. This should take you to the actual download file section.
I am really sorry its such a headache getting to the files. If I'd known it would do all this I would have posted the links separately. I'll know better next time. Meanwhile, I know its a pain but don't give up. The files ARE there, they just take a bit more getting to.)
Now, Be sure to visit each CLD Designer by clicking on the Desingers link for the next portion but PLEASE, remember we are all in different time zones so some links may not yet be active. Don't worry, simply pop back later to grab that portion. We have tried very hard to accomodate Time Zones but Life doesn't always run smoothly so we ask your understanding on this.
Here is your next Blog Party Link
Here is your next Blog Party Link
And don't forget to visit the CLD Birthday Celebrations Link to see what else is going on this week. There are tons of fantastic prizes, sales, competitions and challenges going on all week so there is bound to be something for you to get your teeth into.
Want to know when everything is happening? Go to our dedicated thread. Link Below.
Have fun everyone. Go have a blast and I'll see you back here tomorrow for DAY 30 of my 100 Days of Freebies, oh, and yes, there are still more surprises to come. Oh I love my job.
And keep those kit names coming. I'm loving them so far.


Wow, what a cool surprise!!!! Great kit Boo and thanks for the blog and birthday links!
Thank you for your beautiful contribution! :)
*hugs* Thanks for all of your hard work hon! I appreciate it, especially since you came late to the game! (And you're STILL not getting my tablet! :P)
Wow, happy birthday to CLD and thank you for letting us crash into your party :)
You're teasing us with another surprise while your 100 days of gifts are still ongoing? you're really something.. something good! hehehe. thank you so much!
It's beautiful and will be back later to try again. It keeps bouncing me back to the password page. Guess, it's on download overload.
Thank you!! What a great surprise!
I'm having the problem with it bouncing back to the password page too...I can get to the individual pages for download, but then when the download is ready...it goes back to asking for a password! Have never had this problem before so I don't know if it's my system or the 4shared site????
But this is really a very generous sharing from all of you!!! (loving your 100 days of freebies too!!)
I'm so excited! Thanks so much for sharing!
But I'm too, getting asked for the password when I hit the download button! I'll try later!
Yup. Me too with getting bounced back to the password page loop. No worries, we'll all be back later! This looks like a lovely surprise, thank you ever so much!!!
Thank you for the wonderful birthday kit!! Happy Birthday, Color Line Design!! Last week happened to be MY birthday! :)
happy birthday!! thanks so much for the great gift
Thanks Boo, your kit is awesome, love it. Don't know why 4 shared was acting so weird for this. Sometimes it worked properly and did not go back to the PW area and other times, it kept flipping back. Strange, but then lately 4 shared has been acting up.
This is really lovely, but I'm still unable to access it. I'm still getting the same bouncing back and forth of passwords that I had yesterday. But thank you for sharing, and I'll try again tomorrow
Wonderful kit - great of you to share all of this hard work with us! Beautifully done! Thank you so much and Happy Birthday CLD!
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