*Edit* A few lovely little birdies tell me I'm missing some zips. Please don't worry, I'll hunt them down tomorrow (Its after 1am now, lol) and upload them again for you all so come back and grab them then. Thanks little birdies, mwahhh*
Ok.... I believe ALL of the zips are now available (including 34, lol) so enjoy your goodies.
Drum Roll Please.......
Ta tah ta ta tahhhhhhhh....
We made it to Day 100, Wohoooooooo!
This has been an awesome journey for me. I've learned such a lot along the way and made some super friends too. I've loved each and every comment and have gotten to know many of you so well.
Thank you ALL for making this special Blog Event such a joy to run. My Grandad would have loved this so so much.
So, before we get to the biggest Freebie Give-away EVER, let me just give you all a heads up on whats to come in the future at BooLand.
As you all know, my Blossoms and I have been dropping HUGE hints about great things going on behind the scenes, hehe, you all know how I love to tease....
I can now reveal part of the BIG Happenings at BooLand
I made the Design Team at DSO
Yayyyyyy! I'm going to be working alongside
the Fab KimB and Bunny Wunny
I can't wait to get started.
I have a whole stack of brand new products ready to go into the store and a brand new product preview look too so keep watching this space for info of my New Store Opening.
There is one more BIG BIG thing going on behind the scenes at BooLand BUT I can't tell you what that is just yet. Its going to be a few more weeks but its going to be AWESOME.
SAS News. I'm having a whole week of sales at my SAS Store with a huge 50% off all my goodies except CU items so be sure to head on over there and grab yourselves some super bargains. Also, the SAS Mega Kit has hit the store shelves and its GORGEOUS so be sure to check it out here. Its on special offer for only $4.95 Here's a preview of my bit

Here is the link for this weeks SASy Newsletter. Grab it cause its got goodies in it, hehe.
Ok, Lets get on with what you've all been waiting for....
DAY 100 is finally here
How to grab your 100 Days of Goodies.
I have decided to make available for ONE WEEK ONLY the ENTIRE 100 Days FILES so if you missed any, nows your chance to grab them ALL
Including Todays Massive Haul.
Check it out below. Today you get ALL these goodies
Grab everything here or click the preview and ENJOY Tha password is 100freebies
If you've been collecting as you go along and already have up to Day 99, simply scroll to the bottom of the 4shared folder where you will find ALL of todays goodies ready for downloading
If a password is required on individual files its 100freebies
*Please, please, please, Don't share the links, send your friends here instead. Thank you all so so much.*

The Stone Accents Sale will be held for One Whole Week from May 22nd to May 28th (yes, I know the coupon reads 1 Day but its for the whole week so enjoy. Just click the Store name and it will take you directly to my SAS store.)
After that.... The entire 100 Days Collection will be heading to my stores and will not be returning to the Blog so PLEASE grab it while you can.
Todays Goodies include
One Whole Week of Sales at my SAS Store
50% Off
One complete kit including Alpha
One set of Png Layered Borders for you to mix and match as you wish
I complete Quick Page Album + 1 Bonus QP

and One Full to the Brim Grab Bag

Whats in the Bag???Check it out.......

Phew....... You guys are going to need a break after all this too I think. LOL
I hope you enjoyed collecting this kit as much as I did making it. I'd love to see what you do with it so please send me your creations.
Not that I need to remind anyone but please remember, this collection is for Personal Use Only. Please read my TOU included with each file.
Ok, This is it ladies (and gents). I'm officiall taking some time off but don't worry. I'll be back soon with lots of new and exciting goodies for you all and hey, who knows, perhaps there will be another Mega Blog Event to look forward to at some point.
Until then, keep your eyes peeled for news of my Brand New DSO Store opening soon and of course, please check out my Color Challenge at SAS and see whats new at CLD, we are doing paper scraps now, how cool....
Well, thats it for today, was it enough for ya, lol.
Have a wonderful day full of wishes come true.
See you all soon
Boo and the Blossoms
cI get to comment first! Yay! Thank you so very much for all the amazing day #100 gifts. I am floored by your generosity and talent.
Good luck with your new designer spot!!
Oh WOW! That's AWESOME news!!
I'll love seeing you at DSO as DESIGNER!!!
I was just thinking about that when I read your post about having some huge projects. Well of course you're in. You fit the call so perfectly.
Thank you for putting all gifts online, I'm gonna be busy collecting. :)
I missed the start of it, then decided not to download because of that, but had more and more regrets of that decission. So I thank you BIG time for being SO generous!
CONGRATS on DSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TY so very much from the tippy top of my heart to the tippy bottom of my heart for all of todays 100th day of goodies & for day 99 too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HUGE GIANT HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the new designer spot!!!! You definitely dedserve it! Thank you so much for all these wonderful goodies! Good Luck and enjoy you bit of a break!
Overload Overload Overload! LOL What a bunch of great stuff on the 100 Day! :)
Well as DSO is my fave store, I'm so glad to see you there LOL! good luck and have fun
I absolutely LOVE this entire kit... from day 1 (which I missed and was able to get today - thank you)until the enormous day 100 additions. You are a very talented designer and I am sure your grandad would be extremely honored for you to have celebrated his life this way. Thank you for sharing it with us!!
Congrats on beoming a DSO designer, good luck with your store!!
HOLY COW!! What a day 100! Boo as usual you go way above and beyond!!! Thanks for your supreme generousity, its all beautiful
i am completely BLOWN AWAY by your generosity!! Thank you so VERY much for ALL you have shared! i have truly enjoyed this kit unfold each day and felt i got to know you too! You have made each day a pleasure to visit and as sad as i am that this event is over, you sure deserve a break!! lol
big CONGRATS for DSO designer!!!
looking forward to what's up your sleeve next! hehe Have a BEAUTIFUL day!! :D
Thank you so much for the wonderful kit Boo! And congratulations on becoming part of the DT at DSO!!!
OMG - how awesome are those goodies!! Thank you Thank you Thank you for all the wonderful goodies!! Can't wait to play with it!! Hugs!! :)
OMG!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us the links to ALL of the 100 days freebies!!! I am sitting here in utter amazement! I caught on to the freebies late and only had from day 39 forward... I am soooooo happy that I can now complete my set!!! Boo, you are the most generous, talented, amazing woman! The freebies for day 100 are outstanding!! Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication to putting this Gi-normous event together!
Congrats on becoming a designer at DSO!! I just love Bunny & Kim and the rest of the DSO team! I don't get to post over there too often because I'm usually haunting SAS all the time!! LOL! But, I will definitely have to make it my "second home" if you are there!! :)
Thanks again! I'm sending hugs your way! :)
I too started at 39. I looked forward to getting the rest. I am not complaining, but am a little disappointed that day 21-day 36 are missing because I was sooooo looking forward to those awesome buttons!
Thanks for all the rest! You did an awesome job. And Congratulations on the new store! How wonderful for you and all the users on that site! They have a wonderful designer to purchase from! Good luck in your endeavors.
Oh my... did you know that this kit is 1.56 gig??? and that's without previews or TOUs (I keep those together all in one folder). This has got to be the most fabulous, gorgeous and HUGE kit I've ever collected!!! Thank you for reposting all of the past pieces... I had missed some and now have the whole thing, woohoo!!! You certainly are a generous woman. Thank you for every last bit of your heart you put into this... you are truly amazing!
AFTER I got done collecting all the goodies from today and the ones I missed (about an hour or two), I just HAD to go over to SAS and try to buy out the store, LOL. I got a bunch of your great creations, plus some from others so I could get the freebie kits, LOL. Yep, I had to do two orders, haha. In all, I started here at 11am and now it's 5pm!!!! THAT's SIX HOURS and I'm back to thank you!
A huge congrats on your new store at DSO too! You definitely deserve a spot ANYWHERE you'd want to be. Your creations are fabulous and always so unique. I'm sure you'll love it there!
Hugz and TAKE A BREAK, hehe.
Thank you, thank you, thank you soooooo much. I was so down because my external hard drive crashed and I lost all of my beautiful scraps, of which your grandad's 100 days was a part of....now I've got it all back again!! Thank you for sharing your awesome creativeness with us all...you've sure made your grandad soooo proud!!!! Huggers
Hey Boo! Congratulations on getting to day 100!
This is without a doubt the most amazing & generous gift EVER! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us, it means a lot to a new digi-scrapper who can't afford to buy kits...this will keep me busy for a LONG time!
Fan-freaking-tastic work and generosity...thank you doesn't seem like enough to say.
Hi Boo
Awesome Blog Hun!!
You have been tagged by me!! Visit my blog page here http://tazmanianshe-devil.blogspot.com/2008/05/ive-been-tagged.html for the rules :)
Hugs Mwaa!!
Tracy aka Ambowife
Hi Boo - Thank you so much for your generosity and the wonderful gifts! I absolutely love your designs -- you are very talented.
Congrats on your new designer spot!
Your level of GENEROSITY is AMAZING!!!!!! You sure did your Grandfather PROUD!!! I cannot get over the TRUE BEAUTY of Day 100's Quick Pages!!!!
I hate to ask this, but is there any way that you can post days 21 through 36? I missed those days and they were not posted up today.
Wow! Absolutely amazing! Boo this has been so much fun collecting your gorgeous kit! What a wonderful tribute to your grandfather!!! I Thank you so much for sharing this! Congratulations on the Design spot at DSO!!! Again I can't thank you enough for all of this awesome!!! Hugs!!!!!
What a beautiful, giving person you are!! I can't say enough thanks for all the lovely gifts you have given.
Congratulations on your new designer slot at DSO - it's one of my favorite stores, too.
I'm on my way to SAS to look at some of your kits that I haven't bought yet!
Congrats on the big news...the site is full of "hot" designers, and now your "officially" one of them! Ya know, I gotta say the world is full of genuinely giving people and you sure are one of those people. I new this would come to an end but...OMG! I can never thank you enough for all the fun this was and the really beautiful scraps you gave us. All you ever asked for was a sweet comment...so here ya go. Thanks again...and again...and again!
Hi! I love your celebration of your grandfather! What a wonderful gift to him.
I missed afew in the beginning and now just began reverse downloading, but the links from 35 and lower are invalid.
I thnak you for your sharing with us!
Wow! This is so amazing and today's freebies are just beautiful. This was my CT Inspirational Freebie Pick of the Day at www.myscrapshop.com.
Wow! this is mind-blowing. There are so many absolutely amazing things in day 100 - and wowie! I can pick up the few I missed right at the beginning. THANKS! You are not only a stupendous designer but a very generous one. I just hope I can download everything in time. THANKs in advance and it is wonderful news about your getting to be designer at DSO! You must be soooo excited.
welcome to dso boo...
move so I can download all those goodies.
Gonna miss you and the Blossoms. Have so enjoyed all the goodies and getting to know everyone. Hoping to know you all better over at DSO. thanks again for all your talent and hard work. Every bit has been enjoyed and appreciated even if not all has been commented upon. ***hugggsssssssss!!
P.S. LOLOLOL @ Bunny!!! Git er dun gf! ME too! Got a few I musta missed!
I was a late starter coming to this kit, so I'm downloading a lot of early stuff..and I noticed thaat #34 is missing..any way you can put that up?
THank you so much for putting this huge kit... And I can't wait to see what's up your sleeve next! Thanks!
First off, let me say how incredibly grateful I am to you for posting all of these again! Like others, I missed out on the first few and so decided not to download the others. It didn't take long for me to regret that, so thank you so much for making it possible to correct my error.
P.S. Just thought you should know that #34 is still missing from the list. :)
Thank you so much for everything! Congrats on DSO and will look forward to seeing you there!
You know what else I forgot to thank you about? :D ...... Thanks for introducing me to that LOVELY song Bubbly! I had never heard it before and now I am in love with it! :D :D
Wow Boo,Everything is Wonderful
Thank You,Althou I feel Kinda Sad, Knowing its come to a end, I looked forward to hearing your Song daily, grabbing goodies and reading your blog.I'll still be visiting but its just a sad feeling. Congratulations on your CT move with DSO,and again, Thank You very much for all the Wonderful Goodies
Boo, I have not always left a thank you, but most of the time I did! BUT Now I wish to give you a HUGE THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!
Your 100 Days give away has been awesome! You are very talented and very generous. I'm sure your Grandfather would be very proud! Thanks for letting us be a part of celebrating him and enjoying your great blog!
Good luck on your new store and all your scrappin' adventures!
humbly, coanhart
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I so look forward to "seeing" you at DSO. That is fabulous news.
Thank you so much for all the 100 days of goodies. They are very appreciated.
Thank you again sweetie for linking the missing parts...grabbed them all and love them all!! Congrats on being at DSO...you will be an awesome asset!!!
Sorry, one more thank you from me! :D Just wanted to say thanks for putting up numbers 21 through 36 and then going back and putting up number 34. YOU ROCK!!!! :D
Just started unzipping my files for the #100 Day Gifts!
Luvin it all!!!
I got so excited when I saw my favorite type of Frames! Thanks so much. I Love to use your stuff when I play at SAS!
Thanks for all the Great Stuff!!!
I Luv Drolling over it more then the Fun I had collecting it. Of course it is so pretty I just got to use it too!
Thank you for the 100 days of freebies...my friend just sent me here so I am very behind in getting it but it looks fabulous. So, gonna be busy for a bit. Thanks so much for sharing.
Also, I tagged you on my blog. YOu don't have to play but I just wanted to include you in my list of favorites. Plus people can come to your blog from mine there. Thanks for everything.
LOL, I'll bet your 4-shared account is groaning with all these goodies. :)
Thank you so much for sharing the link to all 100 freebies. I am caught up 100%. Thank you for your wonderful generosity for not only the 100 days, but the special tons of goodies on day 50 and 100.
I'm happy you'll be at DSO. I LOVE shopping there. :) Congrats on that. I've been so touched all along at this tribute to your grand dad. He'd be proud of you.
A big hug to you, Boo. Thanks again!!
Oh Boo, your Granddad must be bursting his buttons with pride on the kit. You are so awesome and it is beautiful.. Congrats on making the design team at DSO, am sure that you will do well there with your amazing talents. Rest now and enjoy the holiday as you have surely earned it.
Hi Boo just wanted to leave you a link of a lo I did using your 100 freebies kit.
Thanks again for a great kit.
thank you Boo! So many elements in this post, woooowww. This is so generous! Beautiful butterflies (i'm fond of them!). A big hug or better: 100 hugs for this super mega freebie as a whole!
Thanks for your generosity - I'm still downloading! :) I also blogged about your new kit at DSO. Glad you joined the team there! :)
Thank you so much for your generosity with the 100 days. I've collected everything and just got my last couple of days now, but can't get to day 100, it's saying link not available. My pc's been off line for nearly a week due to house repairs being done. Can someone send it to my, I know it's big but that's ok. I've done a layout at last which will be on my blog soon at
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