Ugghhhh! Who was the clever clot who said Hayfever season was over?? Oh yeah, that would be ME! Hehehe. Well, as I'm sure you guessed, I was wrong, and BIG time too. On Friday last it was so bad I got really scared and thought I might even have to pay a visit to the hopital. I couldn't catch my breath between sneezes and thought I was going to stop breathing all together. Fortunately, I'm a big believer in self help and relaxation so with the biggest effort, I managed to bring my breathing under control until the sneezing stopped, which eventually, it did, thank goodness, lol.
Usually, I can cope with things if I stay indoors, close windows and keep the room pretty dim but this year the weirdest thing happened. Those pesky little Pollen Monsters must have found a way in and become super concentrated because I was much worse indoors then out..... WEIRD!!!
Well, obviously, I havn't felt much like doing anything at all lately so a huge sorry for being MIA for a good week or so. To make up for it, I put all my little goodies together in one go for you today. They go with my latest kit Faded Bouquet which is available at SAS and DSO. Hope you like.

I also have alot of work on for my portions of next months Mega Kits at SAS, DSO and CLD. Oh my goodness. I've been getting some sneek previews of them all from the girls at each store and WOWsers, the Megas are stunning and so much fun. I just know you're going to love them all.
Of course, I still have my BIG project on the back burner, slowly simmering away, hehehe. Its all coming together slowly but surely and hopefully, will be ready real soon so keep watching this space for some really BIG news from BooLand. The Blossoms and I are very excited about it all.
Thanks everyone for you're wonderful comments both here and at 4shared which as you know, I love getting. They make everything so worthwhile.
I'm off to get some work done. I'll be back later in the week with some more goodies for you. Meanwhile, I hope you all have a super week and stay happy, life is way too short not to smile.
Boo xxx
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 23 Jun [LA 12:38am, NY 02:38am, UK 07:38am, OZ 05:38pm]).
Morning Boo!!!!!!
I'm so sorry that your still sufering from the nasty hayfever & will keep you in my prayers!!!!!
I know how horriable it is!!!!!!!!
TY so very much for these 3 AWESOME goodies!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Boo! So sorry about the allergies. I suffer too, but not even 1/2 as bad as you. Sun hurts my eyes so, that I am almost walking blind! Just reading all you have to do makes me tired. LOL!! Don't get discouraged. Take it one at a time and we will be praying the pollen settles down for you real soon. Good Grief - you would think by now they would have something you can take that would wipe all of this away! Thanks for your goodies - you are incredible!
Lucky for me, I don't suffer from hayfever, but DS does and had a hard time with it whilst doing his A level exams poor soul!
so I hope yours will pick up soon....
your 3 packs of goodies are just Bootiful as Bernard matthews would say haha....
a little more to play with whilst I'm scrspping with your faded bouquet kit, thanks hun!
OOOOh and I can't wait to see your new project, I'll shall be watching this space!
I hope the hayfever and the allergy goes away real soon! Thank you for the gifts :)
Glad you're back, it was a bad season here, too. We got the best blooms on everything I've ever seen, but it wasn't so good for humans! Take care and thanks for the goodies!
So sorry to hear of your allergy troubles, sure hope things settle down for you soon. Thank you for these beautiful goodies!
Oh you poor thing Boo, you have been suffering for weeks!! Hope this is finally past now...feel better, and thanks for the pressies too!
thank you for the Boy Time goodies!
And for the flowers, thank you! :D
What terrific gifts you've given us! Thanks so much. Feel better soon. Melanie
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thank you so very much for sharing these AWESOME goodies!! i love your designs so!!! ;D sorry to hear about your allergies, i am a sufferer too! sure hope you can have a WONDERFUL day!! :D
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